
It always seems impossible until it's done.

Thursday, 3 June 2010


so.. we're not ending this! we are getting bigger and nicer! we moved..! check out the new, site and blog! 
it's hitting in! 
yeah all are happy for once! 

Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Hi.. sorry for not updating to much lately...
we are moving the blog.. and me as an IT expert it's super annoying! how do i get this in my Domain?!
well whatever.. see you soon.. not far from here and thanks again.. sorry for interrupting.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Saw this band yesterday.. after ah day of sitting in the sun, talking mostly about girls and boys.. never heard of the band before. But the concert was one circus dance in the crowd and 7 hippies having a blast on stage.
i'm so enjoying my summer right now! moved out, don't really earn any money and i'm off mostly.. so really should be getting a job..
that's all i want to say for now.. ! thank you for all the support and friendship you bring.. just plain thank you!
hope to see you soon..

Tuesday, 25 May 2010


... and the rabbit jumped off


Sunday, 16 May 2010


Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul. 

William Ernest Henley (1849–1903)

Sunday, 9 May 2010


We all love Bloc Party and everyone knows that.
now Kele Okereke went solo that's the reason we didn't hear from then inna long time. but this tune is just blastin! that's all.. no wisdom words or life guidance.
just listen oh and dance! -alex

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


This to Kids now more then alot of you out there.. and that's the truth.. i'm in singapore at the moment. people here have no idea. they called the oil spill in the golf of mexico, an exident! common! world.. we need help.
thank you and Laura s kids at school Rock! yes!


Wanted to drop by and show you a lil interview i could do with my good friend Tisa.. it's all on Rivella.. and please once again.. live your own life! Thank you Tisa!

Saturday, 1 May 2010


if you don't feel like hugging all your friends and the happy strangers after this song. i don't know if i should buy you another beer..  most happy summer song this year! hope you like it..! thank you for hoping by once again... later creator - alex

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


good day my present people..
I'm quite inna slow mood today.. But let's try once again.. Since the sun is shining and i'm on my way to the city.. I hate this way. Just horrible how much time is left out on this rides. But well what to do.. Gonna move out someday, i hope! Been fighting with my mind alot lately. Some kind of inner voice that i can't hear. Hard but wonderful times i guess. The beautiful struggle! I lost myself sometimes doh. And other things. So where am i standing. At the tipping point (yeah lots of hip hop albums here) i like the jobless, eating toast all day. But must do something! Wish i could start a project.. Gonna make a small movie soon. Really need a logo and a change on the site design. Sorry not in a good mood really. Daamn! Gonna listen some black kids and get me hyped! More to come!

Sunday, 25 April 2010


i'm so lost in my own world.. but i guess i don't know where i'm going.. so it doesn't matter..

Sunday, 18 April 2010


After a long, party weekend, waking up with make up all over you.. and just riding home, putting your bags somewhere and going on to the next party..
on the way.. we sat back, ate bread with philadelphia and cucumbers..
this was playing.


Hope you're happy to!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010


 can tell you i don't know how to play this game, and you just ment "you'll hit your target one day"
Today i got woken up by the Lovely eye underneath me. well. more from the words that came out of her mouth on the phone, but that's allright. 
Then i went on, that i'm gonna start my day in a huge way! well now at lunch.. i'm still stuck with not much done yet. and it's getting to me. Why do i have this blockages?! I'm not gonna change the world. i have to write so things, edit an interview and that would be every important thing inna nutshell for today. instead. i clean the dust from the shelf, and throw away the TV. It's like inna cartoon, where the charakter waits for something and you'll always be shown how he is somewhere else in the room, on his head, robbing on the floor or shadow boxing. it's going on like that..! 
My life.. ah whatev.. just check the Photo! thanks to Laura and To Philipp! standing by my side.. ! haha
it aint to late! coming mum! gonna kill it! .. weird - alex

Monday, 12 April 2010


Daniela making life look easy!


we went partying late last saturday night.. and it was super good! lots of girls and drinks. boze und raving.. and then i kinda got lost. well then a friend of a friend comes to me, like yeah you cool! i'll pay you a drink.. i actually was quite full. but whatev. he insisted. i kinda didn't get the whole thing..got a vodka sprite. then moved on. met laura. talked. and on sunday morning i get this message. from laura. 


damn i laughed my ass off!


There's something missing here.. I met one of my best friends last friday for lunch.. and we didn't eat. instead we did this little clip.. i guess i'm using my time now how i want. since i'm jobless.. i'm actually starting doing pictures. videos, paintings.. maybe having to much partys and coming home late.. but why not, i only live once.
and i discovered cooking.. (is there the word disco in discover?!) well "cooking".. so on i'm proudly using all this energy which all my friends and family give me, lots of music. and skateboarding to be who i am right about now..
so well actually this is all just some lazy talk that i don't need to do anything.. like clean up.. but yeah..
i like it. so.. sod off!  thank you for everything. everyone! and see you soon! -alex


Monday, 22 March 2010


It doesn't matter who is wrong or right..

hey everyone. sorry for not updating my cute lil life blog`? i'll just start at some personal issues..
and getting it on again from there.
so.. right now i'm looking for a job, then i hope to start school again in summer. or else i'll work another year,  then go to school. this summer is unsure, cause as i finished my exams, it ment that they weren't to good.. so if i fall tru i can't go to school.. well whatever.. i'm not aloud to drop myself right now. in this system of ours, cause you only get what you give! so i must just get a tower going instead of a hole.. and keep on dancing as they say in my book i'm reading.. always keep yourself moving.. it's really shit, and we in switzerland have this job system.. well which is hard to get to the top if you're not allready born in it. but i guess same everywhere.. sorry i'm pressing in this text right now.. hope it's gonna be better soon.. or just pass by!.. on to a new beginning!
it's not over.. it only just begun!!!!


This is just well round fully talented.. quite sad not thaaaat many viewers yet. but so. i'll show you this.. cause. i'ts kinda good.. well and it's monday morning! so why not just show joy, and tribute.. ? oh sorry so have a nice day! yeeey. - alex

Friday, 19 March 2010


masterpiece.. nothing more to say.. really got behind that edit! freeze! - alex

Monday, 15 March 2010


After a heavy crossed fun weekend.. with waking up in the manner of the clip From We are your friends on sunday.. i started the day today.. crossed over some textes how to be a berlin hipster and then finding something new from Pogo.. he is from Perth making this videos from movies.. using just the chords, basslines and voices.. really talented work.. and at this place i must just say, i'm so happy in this internet time.. that people do things like this is just great! beautiful! well he maybe you know the alice in wonderland version.. that was just lovely..
sorry for all the smalltalk.. happy time.. -alex

Thursday, 11 March 2010


--Postet fron outside with my I-Phone, Alex

Wednesday, 10 March 2010


I wanna Introduce you to the daily quotes a little blossom let's out in expression.. mostly.. all the time..
so we are going to start from here.

i'm gonna do something tomorrow. -




I'm not quite a vegetarian, but my ex girlfriend was and we actually got in to all this good vegi stuff.. which is really easy to cook to. but anyway.. i eat meat.. i guess alot.. But i'm doing this weeks, were under the week you won't eat any meat at all.. or at least try not to! if mama cooks spaghetti carbonara. ah well to bad..  but no fast food with meat! and after that week. i always feel damn fit and happy! can stand up in the morning without blinking.. cause i guess meat is not as good for your body anyway..
so try to eat less met, cause your body really doesn't need that much! and if you're one of that fanatics that think a a horse is to be eaten not to ride or look at.. well.. whatever..

en guete. I'm IN!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010


as the guy in Londons skateshop said. skateboarding is everything. this is how big it actually is in a small way!

Harvest by Hiroshi.. this gallery is stopping in Japan at the Moment. and shows the best way to reycicle your used boards. make them in to art. i want to thank Simona for this lovely link! 
this is skateboarding - alex


So today we are back writing you guys out there.. Alot to say. alot of toughts alot to do, but still just kicking my bubble infront of me and taking a sip of that tequilla sunrise that this robot is carrying next to me. it's a old bitter tequilla, and it doesn't let me sleep.
Last weekend, the Trip to London i did with this two most adorable female friends.. got me so hyped, i forgot to sleep.
The week and the weekend after that, no sleep. just dreams.. and those mostly at daylight.. or here.. more like, at greylight. Now.. i'm slowly getting back to reality.. noticing songs like - hello, darkness.. my old friend..!

I'm quite happy, at the moment, even if i'm just living. Started to watch, how i met your mother.. and got pretty pretty hooked to it.. now when i wake up.. half drunk. i just have all this quotes and answers out of that soap.. scary! well either way. Life is full of fasination. i really just wanna go out in some pub. read my great book and have eye contact with some smoking blonde.. it's absurd.. all my friends have there partners.. two others and i.. just have. us.. phonecalls. drinks. small eyes and lots of laughter.. oh i sound like ted.. sorry!
well maybe it is all i have to say right now.. i should have done this presentation which i got two more days left, so i should get on it..! and at the moment.. i even started drinking coffee.. well not coffee but machiatto.. oh how sad is that?
does anybody know what i mean. i guess i'm so sorry just filling your reading mind with this..
i really want to get up. do whatever i like to do and be happy.. happiness it's all about. it's doing what you love.!
so please do whatever you love. get the time. don't bother. be yourself! do what you like.. i mean it inna working way. i started painting. and i really suck at it. but i want to paint. so i try. still i never did so many things on my to do list. and after you know it. time is gone and the radio station changed his frequence.
if you have plans. plan them! sleep somehow. and live it.. if you can read this blog. you're blessed enough to live life in full colors!
Use it, or you'll lose it..
your alex.. and if you have any thoughts about this text.. tell me.. whatever!

Wednesday, 3 March 2010


Now.. i showed you This to shall pass allready few weeks ago, here. quite a cool version and i called the director and producer a genius.. now.. two days ago they put this online.. i have nothing much to say.. speechless.. hope this won't past so fast! wow! -alex
(in the background you can see the dead tv's)

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Hallo allerseits.. (so this will be in deutsch..! hope it's fine.. )
Anders sein.. die Definiton von anders sein und das ausleben was man für richtig findet. Weiss
jeder für sich. und  ich jeder hat genug selbstbewusst sein um zu wissen was er kann! es muss nicht anders als die ganze welt sein und irgendwie eine Erfindung.. sondern einfach dich selber.. Vorallem wir jungen .. wir sind die Zukunft.. die Welt macht von Morgen! und ich glaub das wird mal wie ne Bombe einschlagen!
das war jetzt hoffentlich nicht zu viel abseits gehandelt.. Ich liebe mit menschen zu reden die aus aller selbstverständlichkeit erzählen wie sie mit BoxHandschuhen Kochen, mit einrad velos downhill fahren und den spass dabei im vordergrund sehen.. do whatever you feel i guess! das ist anders sein. zu realisieren, zu leben...
Also jeder ist ein wenig anders und ich suche euch.. bitte schaltet mich an und übernimmt das steuer. bewegt die stadt.. mehr hierzu erfährt ihr bald auch auf der neuen Anders sein Kampagne von Rivella. auf der ich und 3 andere begeisterte menschen dich als individiuuum suchen! mal checkts aus.. und hier noch mein vorstellungs video.. This would be me.. thanks and good night! VIVA LA RIVELLUTION! -alex

watch it in HD to laugh at me!


There's not much to say to this lovely das other then... stay wild! this is a pretty up coming song right now.. so sorry mum but life is a party! haha my mum s gonna call me straight when she sees this! and all others.. i hope i'll get some text to you soon.. but for now.. listen!

and cause we love KIDS so much.. this will get so packed! love it! -alex


i don't really understand what he s singing.. but yes i get the vibes.. and yes it's fun!
thank you to Gabi for sending me this with a smile.. Je t´aime

Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Hi big Vintage People! hows life going.. i'm slowly turning into this not zombie thing is still living.. but singing the Metric song Help i'm Alive.. well whatever. wanted to apologize! and make you listen a song i just am hyped on waking up to!
that's all .. see ya next week.. hopefully. must rush now! gonna write more documentation. and after that.. this huge text about how everybody is switched off..
yeah all are happy? your alex.

Friday, 12 February 2010


Thinking of Jellybeans and how they would look good on a t-shirt. Writing sms full of expressions of why you are the yellow power ranger and where the day will lead in a new adventure! I'm having a blast on total randomness right now. And must say thank you at this place for all the people round me, which call me up at 11pm on a weekday and tell them to come over for a beer, since they are going to china for two weeks...

It's a huge creative side which is blooming up in me right now, even when there's a lot of time missing. I wanna paint, run and shout out every "stupid" thing on my mind! It goes from bad music such as R. Kellys real talk or some lil wayne song i post on facebook, to shouting fuck ya on the phone to friends (inna fun way) wearing a old pink shirt which totally got lost in the rush. Like all the cold weather we're having in zurich. It just makes your day brighter if you know you got opera tickets for the evening, that your friends are ok or you will find, a poster that you ordered, in the post. Even writing this blog gets me totally hyped. There are so many stuffed up things to do! Listening to a great song, and just forgetting about the world around you.. maybe it should be in you! suck up your outside and give them a high five.. it works.

Don't all of you have so much to do. Always have something in mind which, wasn't done for days or even weeks, small things, like bringing back that dvd you lend. Or finally reading that magazin you bought a month ago. Downloading a song you want, save money on lunch and repair your snowboard. And then again noticing you forgot it, you couldn't care less. But if you're on something else totally random which you pressed in your schedule. But in the back of your mind it's itching you.. and you don't know why. I don't know if it's a bad thing. It's that little time which you press your eyes together and look trough a small pinch of thoughts. That's what i like about beeing creative, your mind is always going.. even when it's the wrong direction it's going and making you feel good! be happy with what you have at that moment. you will not have more and not have less. you just what you have right then. and make the best of it.
So it's always a good time. Which you should enjoy and even share not only for you! You can make people smile all day cause you mention something tottaly not in stack! Get away from the boringness talking about weather and your next exams which everyone has then to..

It's probably also just a random post. but i love the way things are when you create your own life! and share that with your friends and actually everyone! it's fun. (also i guess this blog is about that right now.)
maybe it's just a long text. but somehow it's what i got in mind.
I also want to thank Laura! for giving me all this colorful upside down inspiration! making nursery rhymes and just rocking the boat!

it's your wall - do care! haha.. -alex

And yes! i actually went to the opera with Ueli, Thank you Simone for the tickets!


this song is not somehow super new or so! it's just i never heard from the Stars before.. Thank you Joëlle at this place and have a nice day!. that's all.. so nice.. feel like listening norah jones.. ah life - alex

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Just to fill the Gap today.. art bitch - alex

Monday, 8 February 2010


Boys, There are severall things a girl wants or a guy should have given once in his lifetime, these things are mostly not materials.. well mostly, a ring is still damn expensive and just round. amyways, these things are easy stuff like to blame yourself in public, let her drive your car oh and tears, girls like to share this moments with you, when your team loses or your favourite pokemon died.
Well but not such an easy one is to Give the girl of your life (at the moment of your life i suppose) a Cliché. it's almost to easy to give a cliché, but it's something that they will like you more then ever before. they want something.. ridiculously sweetish, softish and romantic but not to shaby, which they can get her girlfriends jelous about! I think that i a big point. telling her friends what you have done for her! it must be a "he" in it doh!
3 days in paris. all joined for her dots, shopping, sight seeing, sun, rain. Stuff like that! a day at the beach not playing frissbee.. or a song! So if you're outta gifts and ideas, go back to grandmas cookie box, look at it from the front, and get her loving you again for a short while.. it's that simple. something that is so common but not proved. hope you are feeling a bit of my city poetry texting here.. or not, help me out.
Adieu -alex

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Oh yeah! this is so tight.. Adrian Champion did a masterpiece here uniting The White Stripes with Hip Hops finest. and it's all for free on his page. a 12 Song magical thing. Just let's not talk around the cake and get it smashin in our houses, cars, partys, on board and after work, lovers! so hip hop fans, say hi to the White Stripes! and White Stripe lovers say hello to hip hop! Elefant - alex


Hello and thank you to laura at this time of day for sending me this song! so fun.. so happy..! Kraak & Smaak have a big discography and lots of fun and arts doing it. just checkt them! bboy - alex

Wednesday, 3 February 2010


hope you guys don't know lastnightsparty.. (no i won't link it!) haha.. but well the pictures are from there. and over all. it's all fun, good times, sex drugs and electro.. and ART! or something between it all.. a song from Nid and Sancy who also have the Isenseven Soundtrack M.U.S.I.C! party harder - alex


some random streetart i found walking back inna block nearby the Langstrasse. it's pretty cool to find things like this around the city. you just look outside the box und look into the side:) arty - alex


I just found my youth on a webpage. Panicpop They make this pretty inspiring shirts and hoodies. And the pictures. the music and the random videos. sometimes stuff like this is just inspirable! (hope that was the right word). youngster- alex

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


my first photoshop try. i don't really like it. but i wanted to show you.
maybe you can help me out here with some tips n tricks. i thank you so much. wanted- alex

I think it's held in a quite 90's style of way.. something like that.

Monday, 1 February 2010


i had this funny dream and you where wearing funny shoes..  not much to say to this somehow.. pretty tired to right now. It's just the best team i think in skateboarding cause they are always present and having fun. Skating in the girl complex. or warehouse or whatever bro. But there so americans.. it's no fun. just check the vid. there are more vids up on the site. and youtube channel is huge! to much skateboarding. bro. - alex

Friday, 29 January 2010


This guys are great.. just found the best clip ever! i hope you know the original song.. cause it's really hot!
and this is just good old clean fun! very inspiring to! fools -alex

and just noticed that the band isn't that good at all.. well it's fun singing song about our tight pants.. whateveer... n****a


The Title of this Movie totally blown my mind..it's actually based on a childrens book from 1978. It looks like a great Picture and i can't wait to so see it. It's just the name of it all! so i tought i'll post it up. go and watch it. i think there is a meaning behind it! food -alex


good morning.. I'm actually quite outta reach right now.. inspired to do alot, but still not handling.. it's like
P-Rod says.. Visions without actions.. is daydreaming! and how right he is.. that was my 2010 motivation! and I must stick to it! so to keep everybody updatet, i'm gonna act and try to get a Logo in the next few hm.. moments! for the ones of you knowing me longer now..  i know. i had this. i had that.. but i wasn't satisfided.. so i'll try harder and get something wonderful as a flag! i hope that's all you wanted to read in this to long text and yeah.. if you wanna read something go to zurich house blog! Happy end- alex .. euer autor.

Thursday, 28 January 2010


a 16 year old girl using the power of the Internet making herself famous without even knowing. I've nothing much to say cause i really know nothing about her.. she does this beautiful music. or covers at least a lot.. like the happy dre song.. just check her out on myspace and go for her friends.. get famous! -alex


This is a clip i shot or more the driver of the car shot with a FLIP ultraHD camera.. it's on the way to lunch..
and the streets where filled with mashed snow.. so we had some fun.

after uploading i noticed the quality sucks to the original.. maybe check it on facebook..


This morning i got woken up by this angle voice on the phone.. I actually have this Logitech soundbooth which i can plug in my I-Pod and choose the Music i want to be woken with.. She called 15 minutes before the first of two sounds go off.. but mostly i don't wake up of them even if i set it really loud! i always have to put an extra alarm on my iphone which makes some anoying noise. but today i just could wake up(well it was a fight). i was dancing trough my room singing in the shower and openend the all beloved Frootloop box which is only for special occasions.. (in switzerland frootloops are not sold anymore.. its horrible) and i was so happy..i just didn't have all this .. stones on my back.. made my way to the blistering coldness of where i live and was stomping back at the snow.. at least my bike and me didn't slip. I just noticed that if you get up right away it's much easier to get in the day! that would probably be the quote of the day..(see it rimes!) so, yeah YAAH is gonna start daily post of my little life, what i love and what i do.. or so.. Please get up early. more coming soon:)
Well ok actually i got this story here really long cause i felt like writing and telling the world.. oh and showing you songs i like to wake up to.. or try! -alex

and so oooon...!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


I want to introduce you to Tobias Wildi and his beautiful Playground! CÜSTON. I postet a video of him before and now his Webpage is up and  totally new! so check him out.. and yeah.. if you need help. contact him! let's play- alex




Just genius work! hope i can inspire you a bit to get things done.. cause all of you are lucky happy loopy people.. am i right or am i right? later lovers -alex


took this shot on the way home from Singapore.. hope you feel it. just living, traveling and doing whatever you feel like! hope you guys are all ok. and catch up with whatever you have to do and what is going on! smile-

Saturday, 23 January 2010


SING... that's all.. thank you Ueli!

Friday, 22 January 2010


i was squashing trough music, like i always do.. cause there are always this incredible good songs!
So here just found mister Theophilus London on Myspace! that's all i have to say..
i really would to start a discussion on good music and great songs.. please post me songs you love.. wish i could get more out this blog. well now i drifted off.. sorry now
LISTEN! - alex


so.. since everyone is in Skateboarding now. killing the scene making brand like globe shoes or who ever struggle harder then ever, breaking down and going lost.. Converse is getting a hang in the game and Coming up again. at least they are allowed i guess since they made basketball shoes and street shoes for centuries and everyone ever owned a chuck before! better then k-swiss trying to get in with Lutzka.. ah whatever.. but actually i don't really care about all that.. no. i do.. but converse has this Beautiful shoe! the Converse Skate Sea Star! so.. i'm fine with it.. and the Berrics is too! Where can i get this shoe!? ..
now go skate and listen tu grunge.. players - alex

so nice

Thursday, 21 January 2010


My Jammers! This one is for you WEB 2.0 Lover.. we write the year 2010 the year of the Tiger.. and..
i'm showing you the community you shouldn't miss!
they want you to show.. what music are you thinking?!
check it out for yourself.. and let's jam!

Tuesday, 19 January 2010


A adorable Band from the Middle of Switzerland. Having Concerts and soon taking over the world without even knowing it's name.. Who's Panda make there own Indie Pop Rock sounds and yes they are starting through! i wish you a good time and.. just Support them.. They are all over the Net..
see you soon

Monday, 18 January 2010


new release by OK GO...
i guess someone behind the videos from them.. is just hm... a damn genuis!

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.

Friday, 15 January 2010


My friend Tobias Wildi created together with his Classmate this Stopmotion movie about where you can land and actually how fun it is there. They shot 3400 Pictures and no Green screens or anything.. a nice sequence of how life goes.. and how it would look like.. just sit back and take the ride.. go Toby! or so...


10.DEEP and Expedition have come together to bring you a limited run of 2 different Collaborative decks.
check the beautiful Clip and Riding here from Daniel Kim..

10DEEP x Expedition collab board commercial from 10.DEEP Skateboarding on Vimeo.


This is just what is moving me in the Moment. After a break up few weeks ago, Partying alot, going out alone, sleeping in a huge bed and just beeing quite happy with a spice of emptyness.. Just wanted to share it once again and i  hope you enjoy it.. still really inspired by the movie Zweiohrküken. Danced

This train it goes this way, tonight we can't go back
Its all that I can wait for,
While I was standing here, you took your high heels off
And let the sun sink in, and kick it back

Leave all your mores behind,

'cause we will party from the inside
don't check that watch you're here to stay
and we will dance and dance and dance the night away

(do do do do)

And we were dropping bombs with our sneakers on,
and we were dancing in a minefield with a bottle of Whiskey.

'Cause you can't tell us what to do.

And we were winning the war with a lighter and a peace pipe.
And through the barricades they'll push their hate.

We were makin' noise with electric toys, and there were boys kissing boys at the moment when the cops came
They said hey, we won't run away.

And they pushed us back, and we pushed them back yea we held our ground in their morality police state.
Kick us out and we'll be back again, tonight if not today.

The Girls looked beautiful in blue.
One took my hand said I love you,

I know I'll never know your name,
Yea well its okay, we'll love for just today

We were dropping bombs with our sneakers on and we were dancing in a minefield with bottle of whiskey.
'Cause you can't you can't you can't tell us what to do!

And we were winning the war with a lighter and a peace pipe.
And we'll break it down, break it down,

break it down down Today!
I know we'll deal with it tomorrow.

We feel that its okay to question why
question why, yea question why this lifestyle defies
the meaning of life.

But not to us.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


At this Point i want to introduce with houling noise and screaming (or steaming) groupies the Band from the Middle of Switzerland around my friend Cedric Koller.. STEAMBOAT
inspired by the Beatles listening to red hot chili peppers, and rocking with the foo fighters..
check them out and love there sound!
hot food

Monday, 11 January 2010


In the World of know.. the art will never will be like it used to be.. but no worries.. we recycle..? ah whatever.. check out this .. The Band Cassius, (which make genius music) has a little clip which is actually a Soviet animation from 1969! of course it's cut a bit.. but the harmony is beautiful!

so here the original:

and here the Song TOOP TOOP from Cassius

and a big thank you to ueli for showing me the Song!

Saturday, 9 January 2010


BlakRoc: Ain't Nothing Like You (Hoochie Coo) Ft. Mos Def and Jim Jones

Just woke up with this and wanted to say.. thank you! just love one another.. no homo..

Wednesday, 6 January 2010



in korea everything is aloud! LOUD! and I love it! "top to bottom so freshly dressed!"
haha.. sorry. just listening to this song everywhere we go! as max would say.. "soooo guuuuet!"


it's so sad...


Tilla aka Naos the Perfect Girl is having her Photos up for Watch on Flickr. so you better come and join her dreams and love of all time. hope you enjoy the Trip as much as i do and check out the view..


My friends my beloved ones my enemies..
This is the best Video i've seen for a long time! enjoy the vibe and just have fun!! thanks once again to kerstin for sending me this! on Vimeo the 100 songs are listed.. just in case you wanted one;)